5 Reasons You May Need a Breast Implant Revision

Feeling dissatisfied after a breast reconstruction surgery is a common occurrence for many people. As time passes after the initial breast implant surgery, issues like implant rupture, capsular contracture, or dissatisfaction with cosmetic results may arise that warrant a return to the operating room. Whether it’s to correct implant malposition, change implant size, improve asymmetry, or address other complications, revision surgeries allow women an opportunity to revisit the original augmentation and achieve their desired aesthetic outcome. Through understanding why breast revisions are pursued, we hope to provide helpful insight to those considering revisions.
You Are Not Happy with the Size of Your Breasts
One of the most common reasons people seek breast augmentation revision is to change the size of their breast implants. During the initial augmentation, patients work with their surgeons to select an implant size they believe will give them their ideal breast dimensions. However, it's difficult to predict precisely how the body will respond to the implants once they are placed. In some cases, patients find the implants look or feel too large or too small once healing is complete. Other times, lifestyle changes like weight fluctuations or pregnancy can alter the appearance of the breasts, making the original implants unsuitable for the patient's preferences. Breast augmentation revision provides a solution for these patients. For those unhappy with their breast size after the first augmentation, a revision offers a second chance at getting their ideal breast shape and size.
You Have Capsular Contracture
Capsular contracture is a complication that can occur after breast augmentation surgery. During the recovery process, scar tissue forms around the implant, creating a capsule that helps provide structure and support. In some cases, this capsule can tighten and squeeze the implant, affecting the breast shape, size, and feel, which often causes discomfort. Capsular contracture occurs as a result of the body's natural healing response to a foreign object. Fortunately, if it develops post-augmentation, the issue can often be fixed with revision surgery. With the contracted tissue excised and the implant replaced, the breast can return to a soft, natural, aesthetically pleasing shape. For patients experiencing capsular contracture after their primary breast augmentation, revision offers an effective solution.
You Want to Correct Skin Rippling
Some patients notice visible wrinkling or rippling on the skin of their breasts after undergoing augmentation. This occurs when the implant edges can be easily felt through the skin or when the implant is not adequately filled. Ripples are created if the implant filling folds against the surrounding breast tissue and skin. Skin rippling usually develops when there is insufficient tissue coverage over the implant, so patients with low body fat, thinned breast tissue, or who opt for excessively large implants are at the highest risk. During revision surgery, the problem implants are removed and replaced, usually with round, smooth-surface implants that have a more natural feel. The surgeon may also recommend smaller implants or different positioning to provide adequate skin coverage. For patients with uncomfortable rippling or visible wrinkling, a revision procedure can provide a smooth, seamless, and natural-looking breast contour once again.
Your Current Breast Implant Position is Uncomfortable
During initial breast augmentation surgery, the implants are inserted in locations designed to achieve natural-looking, symmetrical results. However, factors like scar tissue formation, capsular contracture, or patient anatomy can cause implant displacement over time. This may result in implants that are too high or low on the chest, spaced too far apart or close together, or positioned towards the sides. Besides aesthetic concerns, improper placement can make the implants more palpable or visible under the skin. By meticulously correcting the placement through revision surgery, improvements in breast shape, cleavage, and overall symmetry can be attained.
Your Breast Implants Need to be Replaced
Breast implants are not designed to last forever. At some point down the road, women with breast augmentations will likely require replacement surgery. As breast implants age, the risk of rupture, deflation, and other mechanical failures rises. Implants may also need replacing if unacceptable rippling, wrinkling, or capsular contracture occurs. Patients undergoing revision surgery for implant replacement first have their old implants removed. The breast reconstruction surgeon will then examine the implants to determine why they failed and discuss implant options to decrease the likelihood of future complications. New implants are then selected and placed through the existing incisions into the implant pockets. In some cases, alternate implant types, shapes, or sizes better suited to the patient’s needs may be recommended. By swapping old, problematic implants for new ones, patients can once again achieve voluminous, natural-looking results.
Not Sure if You Need a Breast Revision Surgery? Schedule a Consultation Today
You deserve to feel comfortable and confident with your breast size, shape, and contour. Breast augmentation revision surgery may be the solution to finally achieving your aesthetic goals. Let our team of plastic surgeons in NJ, NY, and PA provide you with personalized care and help you achieve your desired look. Schedule a consultation today!
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